viernes, 4 de diciembre de 2015

Scott Weiland: In Memoriam

(I recently told someone I would do an entry in English. Here it is.)

No, I´m not a last minute fan of Scott Weiland and his music, you can ask the picture of the band I had on my wall back in the 90s. I actually spent my teens listening to him in Stone Temple Pilots, in the early 2000s in Velvet Revolver, and more recently in Art of Anarchy, one of my favorite albums of 2015, by the way. Today I am sad. It might sound ridiculous to some, but tons of Scott´s songs have been in the soundtrack of my life. I remember vividly the time I bought Tiny Music..., or the time a friend of mine bought Core -STP´s debut album- and brought it to my house so we could both listen to it. We were only 14. Not a last minute fan. Back in 2000, I went to see STP at the Foxboro stadium near Boston. They were playing a festival put together by a now out-of-business radio station. I went only to see them, as most people did. At one point during the show, Scott said between songs: "I wish I could make love to all of you, but I can´t, so make love to each other". All of a sudden, a woman standing right next to me grabbed my private parts. I was a hormonal teen. I was in heaven! Thanks, Scott! For that, for the music, for making the music that reminds me of many happy times. May you rest in peace. 

To honor Scott´s memory and legacy, here are my top 5 favorite moments of him in Stone Temple Pilots.

1. Interstate Love Song

My favorite STP song and one of the defining moments of Grunge and the alternative rock movement of the 90s. I remember coming home from school, turning on the TV to watch MTV, and this song´s video was always on.

2. All of Tiny Music...

Their third album was like religion to me back when it was released in 1996. Although this was when Scott´s drug abuse was getting out of control and his voice was clearly affected, the band managed to put together a collection of unforgettable and experimental songs, leaving behind some their trademark sounds to explore some pretty retro sounding tunes.

3. Down

When STP released its fourth album, No 4, Grunge was already giving way to post-Grunge acts and to the much hated Nü-Metal. The band, in a "fuck that" attitude showcased in the single Down, released an album that sounded a lot like their debut album: dark, heavy, and in your face. 

4. Cinnamon

In 2010, the reunited Stone Temple Pilots ended 9 years of creative silence with the release of their self-titled 6th album. In it, there is one of the most beautiful love statements I´ve ever heard:" Cinnamon. "I´d like to sing a story for you, here´s what I´d sing if I could impress got to be the prettiest girl I´ve ever witnessed in the whole world".

5. Plush (acoustic version)

Scott Weiland had the looks, the moves, the attitude, but he also had the voice. Back in the early 90s, the band was invited by MTV to tape an episode of their Unplugged series. In it, the band performed one of their biggest hits: Plush. Scotts performance is beautiful, powerful and inspiring.

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